Business writing and editing services
Ad copy and general business ghostwriting
Do you own a business but hate the writing part?
Ad copy, web copy, emails, memos–business writing is endless. Maybe you want to improve your writing skills-or hire a ghostwriter to do it for you.
We are proud of our ability to translate complex information into concrete. We take the time to learn everything there is to know about your business needs. We analyze your audience and write nuanced content that speaks the language of your intended readers. Ask us your questions now!
Ever wonder why “social-media presence” is hyphenated but “presence of social media” is not? Take charge and learn basic grammar and writing methods! It’s never too late. We can also personally tutor you to become a better business writer. Contact us now about our in-person or Skype-based lessons!
Web content and social media writing
Have you just launched a new business?
Are you designing your own website but dread writing the content?
Do you want to describe your products or services to customers but don’t know where to begin?
Is your existing website content outdated…and in need of editing?
Have you been humiliated by customers who have noticed typos on your website?
Get help now! We will:
Gather information about your company
Research your products/services in detail
Study your competitors
Assess your intended audience
Revitalize lackluster content
Write arresting new content
Feel out of touch as a business?
Maybe you’re a Baby Boomer who launched your business in the seventies, when the Yellow Pages (complete with its charming “Finger Walking” logo) was the internet of its day.
You’ve survived computers, cell phones, the web. You get WiFi and own a first-generation Apple iPad.
But when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Yelp (and those are just the basics), your competitors are ahead of you. Well, you’re not alone! We can help you create profiles and compose posts, tweets and more to remain competitive and enjoy a social-media presence.
Do you like what you’re reading on our site? We wrote about 95% of it. Consider it a sample of what we can write for you.
We love DETAILS and RESEARCH. You’ll be hard pressed to find another company who researches to the DEPTH that we do.
Want more information? Contact us now about our process and pricing for any of the above services!
Blog writing services
Do you want to write blogs for your website but lack time and energy?
Do you want a higher ranking in search engines?
Having a website is meaningless if your business has a poor ranking in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. Search engine optimization (SEO) relates to where your business ranks when customers search the Internet using key words. SEO is best achieved through frequent blog writing.
The content we write for your site will contain the most industry-relevant key words. Frequent blog posts with rich key words will propel your business toward the tops of search engine results. Once that happens, customers will start to find you…and will be more likely to seek out your products and services. Help customers find you now!